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Personal PCB Art projects, collaborations with friends.

Dinoboi Clock

A small Dinoboi themed clock which has 12 digits for the hours, and 12 digits for every 5 minutes within the hour. It is not a precise clock, but if you touch the nose of the Dinoboi, all digits will suddenly light up!


Snuffelaar (or "Sniffer") is a non-profit air-quality sensor kit for indoors. You can hook it up to an app or software to see visualisations of the analysis the little device could read from your room's air. 


I chose a fern to be displayed on the front, as ferns are known to be one of the most efficient air-purifying plants. The text on the backside of the front panel "We breathe the same air" says it all.

Custom PCB Watch dials

Watch dials made out of fiberglass and metal - the same PCB material as you would normally see in electronics circuits.

Other fun projects

Small collaborations or projects made just for fun.

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